Bintulu - 21/10/2009 till 25/10/2009
Aishah AF7 being briefed by one of the KPSU staff. We managed to get clearance to sneak in and took some photos with her. Unfortunately can't share it here as requested by the shy2 ones.
Found out that Aishah and Claudia were performing at the old airport. Managed to take this picture of Aishah only, Claudia had performed earlier on and left soon after.
We were here ....
Don't know whether it's ikan keli or ikan sembilang....

The actual day 24/10/2009

The full dress rehearsal on 22/10/2009
So much for the above subject huh? Well, been away for quite sometime and I must admit I'm getting lazier to update my poor blog. Back from Bintulu about 2 weeks ago I sat for my PTK exams (those civil servant knows what PTK stands for..)I am going to get rid of this template. I'm getting sick and tired of this one actually. Still looking around for suitable templates, saw a few already but I just don't have the time to decide which one. Just to share some pictures while I was in Bintulu. Many told me that Bintulu is a very quiet and boring town. Well, for about 5 days and 4 nights I can't say much though but it's a nice change to see new places right. Not to mention the ocassional stares we get from the local people. Some pictures already posted, there'a few more (i think...)
Wish you Happy Maal Hijrah 1431 & NY 2010. I guess you must have a very tight schedule now since you didn't update your blog for quite some time. Best eh bnyk activities termasuk dpt ndiat Aishah AF2 berlagu.
Pls visit my blog. I specially dedicate Jerat (Harvey Malaiholo) to you. Finally I found the VC. Enjoy.