Raya cookies.....bila lah nak start owh?...

Masih dalam mode bersedih dengan kematian allahyarham Muliadi, it's been a week since the tragic accident that took his life and me plus the rest of the us namely, Su, Jen, Misi, Awangku, CT and Noraini were still talking about him and all those that had happened between us. Susah gilak jak rasanya nak melepaskan nya pergi gia ajak. Yet, life goes on despite of the sadness that we felt. Alfatihah. On a lighter mood, I have yet to find the semangat to start on my cookies. Walhal, dah banyak dah resepi yang dikumpul especially those that I've never baked. I've even prepared a folder specifically for that. Alahai semangat membaking, datanglah ooooo...bak kata Saudagar Sadik Sigaragar, mintak nyawa, mintak nyawa..P)..tahun tok nang verangan2 lah nak molah 10 jenis cookies.....
1) Almond london 2) Almond Ghee 3) Biskut Nestum 4) Biskut Oat 5) Tat Nenas 6) Biskut Cornflakes 7) Biskut Dahlia aka Semperit 8) Biskut Cheese 9) Biskut Snow Almond 10) Biskut Suji Brunei. Actually...