
Awal pagi aku dikejutkan dengan berita kematian rakan sekampus ku. Kamek duak dolok satu office di Canselori dari tahun 2002 hingga 2008, selepas ya aruah berpindah ke Bahagian Aset. Allahyarham Muliadi bin Sunip berusia 36 tahun meninggal dunia dalam satu kejadian ngeri dimana aruah dipercayai terperangkap dalam keretanya apabila keretanya telah meletup dan terbakar di kawasan kampungnya di Kampung Baru, Samarahan pada awal pagi 7 Ogos 2011 bersamaan dengan 7 Ramadhan 1432H. Rasa macam berbulak jak bila nerimak berita kematiannya pagi tadi.  And I can't still forget about it till now.  Sedih aku sebagai kawan siklah sama dengan kesedihan anak-anak dan bininya.  Aruah meninggalkan 3 orang anak-anak yang masih kecil, yang bongsu baru 10 bulan dan bininya seorang surirumahtangga.  Banyak kenangan pahit manis sewaktu bekerja sama dengan aruah dolok. Tapi biarlah segalanya menjadi kenangan manis bagi kamek orang yang pernah bekerja sama dengannya satu ketika dolok.

 Aruah yang seringkali menyanyikan lagu2 dari Jamal Abdillah

Allahyarham dengan rakan2 dari Canselori pada majlis Ramah Tamah Aidilfitri 2008
Allahyarham dengan rakan2 lama dari Canselori pada majlis Ramah Tamah Aidilfitri 2009 

Diambil dari keratan akhbar Borneo Post bertarikh 8 Ogos 2011.
TRAGIC INCIDENT: The victim’s car that was completely burnt in the incident.
A 36-year old man died in a freak incident, believed to have happened when the car he was driving caught fire by itself.

The incident, which happened at around 9.30am at Kampung Baru Samarahan road yesterday, took the life of Muliadi Sunip, who was a staff member of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. According to See Hua Daily News, the man was married with three small children.
According to his neighbour, the victim went out at around six yesterday morning.
Meanwhile, the victim’s brother told reporters that the victim went out yesterday morning to his father-in-law’s house.
Another villager, who happened to pass by the scene during the incident, said he saw fire burning a car and a man was being burnt on the driver’s seat. As the blaze was too big, he said he could not save the victim.
Samarahan Fire and Rescue Department, after receiving a report from the public, sent a team of eight fire fighters and a fire engine to the scene. When the team arrived, the fire was already burning fiercely and they immediately put out the fire. The department’s senior officer Bujang Junat said they received a report about the incident at 9.40am and rushed to the scene. Bujang claimed that the car was not involved in an accident and was believed to have caught fire.
Police who went to the scene to investigate the incident then sent the victim’s body to Sarawak General Hospital mortuary for a post mortem. The incident attracted many passersby and villagers, including colleagues of the victim who rushed to the scene.
The family of the victim rushed to the scene after they were informed of the incident. One of his relatives, believed to be his grandmother, fainted when told that he was burnt to death. She was then sent back to her village by other family members.
Eye witnesses believed the victim was in shock when the fire broke out and didn’t manage to escape.

Alfatihah Mul, moga rohmu tenang dan aman disana. Amin.

Posted on August 8, 2011, Monday


Anonymous said…
it's always sad to lose someone. moga roh arwah di rahmati Allah.
Al-fatihah to aruah

ktk kerja canselori kah? kita pernah bertemu kah?
Nur68 said…
Dolok kamek di Canselori, ujung tahun 2002 smp 2008. Oooo Mim,hehehe,entahlah sik juakkamek ingat...kitak pernah ke canselori kah, cos kamek dolok PA to TNC HEP and then bila nya pencen, kamek attach dgn TNC kinek tok kamek dah balit ke FSTS...

what a small world lah mun kita tok saling kenal..hehehe
Kmk ada juak pegi Canselori, tapi biasanya atas urusan CITA (conference FCSIT). Sebab kmk ketua publisiti masa ya. And kmk ada juak pegi agak PA Prof K and ada juak kmk agak Prof K and berkelakar dgnnya sebabnya org kampung kmk.

Ktk kinek tok PA dekan di FSTS kah?
Nur68 said…
Org sekampung dengan Prof Datuk K paduhal tek, tapi rasanya sik da la kita terjumpa or terselisih di office Prof Datuk K ya cos officenya di Penthouse atas ya...cos office kamek just dibah ya ajak masa ya ehehhee...kinek tok kamek PA Timbalan Dekan (undergraduate & student affairs).

Bila kitak abis tek?
Nur68 said…
Noir, mmg sedih cos we were working together in the same department for quite sometime and hubungan dah mcm adik-beradik, till now some of us including myself still find it hard to accept his passing.


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