Baking again

And so when the rajin bug comes suddenly knocks on my door, I  baked 9 loaf pans of cheddar cheese cake last night.. Brought them to the office this morning and everything just disappeared swiftly. Good news is am getting pre-orders already.  Alhamdulillah for that but I doubt that I could bake some more..oh well!..we'll see how everything goes this week.


My version of Cheddar Butter cake with cream cheese frosting and a plain Cheddar Butter cake.  Recipe is from Alex Goh which I took from Mat Gebu.  Recipe is super easy.  I somehow had forgotten where I copied the cream cheese frosting though but the recipe is an easy peasy one. 

Cream Cheese Frosting

250 gm cream cheese
125 gm butter
3/4 cup icing sugar
1 tsp VE

250gm cheddar cheese (shredded)

My verdict:  I found that Alex Goh recipe is too dry, I was looking for something kinda moist but I can't seem to find any of that. Well at least I had tried this recipe.  I guess mum's butter cake recipe is still the best, moist and crumbly and smells deliciously buttery.

A few things happened last week and there is this particular one that kept me thinking and wondering where it would lead me to.  Hmmmm....  


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