Showing posts from September, 2014
Heart talk
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Everyone of us has some sad and happy stories to tell, some choose to blog about all the good stuff and all those fairy tale kinda of story. Ya, ada masa kita berangan2 how I wish to be so and so and so..and the list goes on. It is quite a painful phase for me at this moment honestly and I could only berdoa and seek for Allah's guidance and answer. Come to think of at times I am tired of the whole thing. Honestly, I don't think I could handle so much emotional turmoil. Often, I would tell myself..dear heart, please be kind to me....
Apa-apa jaklah.
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Assalamualaikum. It has been a while since I last blog about anything. No, am not going to give any reason nor excuses. A lot of things happened sepanjang 'kehilangan' diri ini dari dunia blog. Dolok beria2 nak berblogging bagai, idea datang mencurah tapi ada ketikanya semangat ya berkubur gia ajak. And now wtih the new semester, lagik lah banyak songeh nak blogging and what not. Nak ngadap kerja lagi, nak ngadap kerenah pelajar baru dan lamak lagi..aduhh...palak pun dah stoing to the max. Cakap pun sik guna when you chose this profession. Bukan nak complain kah apa, at times I just need to let it go...mun disimpan lamak2bukan boleh jadi pesaka pun kata orang lah, takut dah lamak gilak disimpan dalam lubuk ati bisa meletup kata orang lah. Malas nak layan, nya gia ajak nak? At the moment tahap kesabaran aku sedang diuji. Adakalanya rasa patah semangat apabi...