
Phew! I don’t feel rajin at the moment but I thought I just blog a teeny bit. Long time no see to this nearly abandoned blog.  Nothing much but I managed to bake Congo Bars for a friend and right after delivery I stopped by to cut my hair. Its been 6 mths since the last hair cut. I feel like a mess everytime I look at the mirror. Dah macam Hantu Kak Limah ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰.  Whatever,  so for lunch today, I prepared Ayam masak Bunga Kantan.  Initially it was supposed to be Ayam Masak Serai but somehow I ended up adding bunga kantan aka Ginger Torch flower.

After a long hiatus from blogging, I had to start from scratch to upload and putting a watermark on the picture.  Mind-boggling process for me la! 


Trying out the calligraphy apps in my phone and I come up with this watermark.  Like seriously, I really have to explore all those stuff again.  (sigh!!!!!!!!).

Back to the recipe, this tomato sambal was inspired from an Indonesian restaurant in town.   A very dear old classmate introduced the restaurant and I fell in love with the food.  Honestly, I am not a fan of Nasi Ayam Penyet due to the over-publicity of this particular dish locally.  You can always find every single restaurant in Kuching serving this dish, practically. On top of that, you hardly find the authentic ones.  Either, the chicken was not cooked or seasoned properly and some even served you with the canned prawn sambal.      But I changed my mind once I tasted the authentic recipe and yes of course, I fell in love with the super duper spicy sambal.  Alright then, there goes a short story of the inspired Sambal Tomato Meletup! I used 150gm of birds eye chillies and as for the rest of the ingredients, I just estimated here and there.  Nevertheless, I am very satisfied with the result.  Berangat dada & perut makan sambal tok koh!  Yammmmmmm!!!

(This is a backdated post)


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