Busy, busy,busy

It's December already and have been quite busy this whole week, yeyeyeyeyye, am on leave today. Yesterday I attended Bengkel Pengurusan Fail, ya...w.e.f. next January 2009, the whole Unimas is going to have some kind of new coding for the filing system. Ok, let's not dwell further into this boring subject. Malaskuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!....my favourite tagline. (chuckling away) I'm making chocolate cheesecake for a friend who wants it for raya Haji. Tgh nunggu la tok, updating blog sekali. Dah lamak sik berupdate...dah mupok makei baju kalas dah eh....the other night make Kek Ati Parek for a dear friend, Ima from Perak..pagi kelak ngepos ngannya sinun. Hopefully sampei before raya Haji. Pictures of cakes and cookies will be updated later. Some more to update later.


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