When girls wanna have fun!

These were some of us that turned up ...
Nyams laks!!!

Group poco2
Aw..aw..aw..aw...bila mama pakai celana
Bila larut malam...karakucak2...
Emy, "One moment in time"
Zue, Shikin & Maz with their "Killing me softly with his song"
Win with her rendition of "I started a joke....."
Bakat terpendam .....Jenny with "There's a kind of hush.."

1st warm-up session of poco2

Welcome speeh by Reen, something good coming in May!!!

Finally after a few setbacks here and there, we managed to gather for a hi-tea amongst us PAs. What can I say, almost everyone let their hair down and enjoyed themselves to the max. Though one or two were still shy but then again, the important thing was everyone enjoyed themselves. Some piccies here, actually banyak gambar lah, tapi sik terkaber.


Dayang said…
xdpt komen ehh,mcm ne nak ngkah tok
Nur68 said…

ada pun komen ya..hehehehe..tq kerna singgah...
Hungry Iban said…
Waaaaahh best eh, ktk urang rami PA.. di Hospital ngan HQ minak ada... hmmm..10 urang jak hahahahaa.. wow nice food.. i love sandwiches. boleh makan 6-7 ketul kak oiiii.. gik belalak arum bulak. feewwiitt ada Pauline indah? Zuraini ada sik datang kah? heheehe.
Nur68 said…
coki...zue ada juak, pauline ya yang ketua nya..ehhehehe..very sporting girl...kamek org ada dlm 33 - 35 org gia, yg dtg 21 org ..yalah namanya jak rami, sakit nak jumpa, masing2 dlm aquarium (gelaran mek org sitok)....so bila ada peluang kedak tok...tok lahnya..girls just wanna have fun!!!!...;)

The food was nice for $25.00 per pax..n yes d sandwich was yummylicious....

tq for dropping by ya .....

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