Cerita bulan posa agik - Gelagat manusia di kedai KKK & Hak Hak

Dah 13 hari dah puasa ari tok, alhamdulillah. Sooooo, bila dah 13 hari tok persiapan raya nang sedang rancak la but in my case,I have to clear all the orders from my friends. This week kira berhabisan aku ngabis biskut london almond order sidaknya. I managed to complete 1,000 pieces of that and another 500 more pieces to go. Next is tat nenas tapi sik sebanyak london almond. London almond is always the top biscuit in my list. My choices of biscuit is also limited, I have to cos I just don't have anyone to assist me. Tapiiiiii, mun ada urang nulung mok juak mukak order for another 2 biscuits. Mmmm..sik hal lah, am already thankful dengan rezeki yang sedia ada tok, what more can I ask, I just love to bake.

Last Saturday, I went to KKK & Tay Hak Hak (those from Kuching knows where the place is). As usual at this time, the place is thronged with Kuchingites shopping for all the baking stuff. You just name it, they have everything...nak 1/2 kg, nak sekilo, semua ada. Andddddd, as usual again,aku akan nanga the same old thing and that is, some of them carrying little notes with ingredients for their secret recipe..heheheheheh, ada dlm kertas yang dibisak, ada yang ditulis rah luar envelop anddddddddddddd the best thing again..hehehehhe (this really tickles me so much...) I noticed a few brought their recipe books with them and believe me, the books comes in sizes, ada yg kedak buku 555, ada yg shorthand notepads and exercise books. I do wonder how old the books are, I mean you can see how 'old' the book is judging from the looks. Ada yang berlepak2 dengan bekas butter, ada lepak2 dari coloring and ada yang dah bisak2. But I really admire them and sik nganok pun, that is part of gelagat orang-orang kita bila nak molah persediaan pakei raya. But I just love the atmosphere. Besttttt!!! These are some of the conversations and questions that I managed to capture.

Customer #1: Tokey!..Nok ney buah bidara owh?..Nok tok kah?
Me: (Kdg2 eran juak, I thought nya molah kek yang ada bidara ya every year, sik kan sik tauk nok ney buah bidara...hehehehe)

Dalam keadaan yang kedai yang penuh dgn manusia, burit bertemu burit, dada bertemu dada Customer #2 approached me and asked me this:

Customer #2: Kak (while holding a 500gm butter) nak tok 16oz. kah? (tangan sebelah megang kertas recipe)
Me: Nyalah ya, mun 16oz nak kah 454gm, lebih sikit jak.

Sik puas ati juaknya,she asked the tokey nio the same question. Of course la tokey madah jawapan yang sama. Hehehe...sabar jakla...kekekeke...Memangnya baruk nak pandei molah kuih kali.

Sometimes, I just can't help observing and overhearing their conversations at the same time. Dalam keadaan kedai yang sesak ya, I had to stop a while cos my way was sort of blocked by two elder ladies, so terdengar la conversation sidak duak ya...
(kepoh aku owhhhh....hehehhe)
Kakak #1: (whispering tp dpt juak didengar eger butir nok dipadahnya) nak tok nyaman k molah ati parek (while holding a packet of black raisins)
Kakak #2: Yakah?..kamek biasa makei buah prune n bla, bla, bla......

I carried on with my shopping cos dah tauk apa yang maok dibeli, so when I took 2 kgs of cooking chocolate, this lady asked me:

Customer #3: Nyaman kah chocolate ya k molah london almond, bagus sik owh?
Me: So far ok, dah tiap2 tahun kamek makei chocolate tok.
Customer #3: Chocolate tulip bagus sik?..
Me: cuba kitak nanyak dgn tokey, kamek dolok pernah cuba makei chocolate tok tp nya lambat licak, semalam2 kamek nunggu coklat ya licak. Sik tauk kinek tok, p kamek dah jerak dah...so kinek tok makei chocolate tok ajak.

Customer #4: Oh nak...nak tok gajus kah (at the same time holding a packet of cashew nut)
Me: Nyalah ya, kacang gajus ya cashew nut.

Ada agik, kelak lah update agik, nak mandi & nak prepare turun kerja gik.


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