That feeling called love

Adeheh, am giggling away while typing the subject. Macamlah aku tok expert on love, no, no, no, no, no... expert frust kali ....mmmm...I guess everyone pernah merasa being in love and being loved by someone nak? But I learnt from previous experience that you can't absorb yourself too much to love someone, you should give yourself some air to breath and love yourself. Why? After flying and dancing on cloud nine, when you start to fall, it'll be a hard and tumbling fall. Cos, when you're hurt you're all alone and it's up to you pick up the broken pieces and move on. Hey, I don't to mean scare those of you out there(potential to be in love and be loved). That feeling called love has its wonders and miracles too. I wish I could say more but for now, I'm stuck with this short entry.