Mahalnya tapiiii.......

Sebab teringin gilak nak tauk rasa buah delima, terbanglah juak $5.10 last week bila aku for the first time set my foot at Choice Premier Supermarket. Dah berapa lamak jadi warga bandaraya Kuching baruk toklah pandei melelat ke Choice Premier. Kebanyakan barang nang cater for sidak expatriates la...The cheese selections  is much better than  the ones being sold at Ta Kiong, Spring.  And yes, if you're lucky on that day, you get to see fresh herbs such as basil, parsley, rosemary and thyme sold in small little pots. You can see some Japanese, Koreans and of course orghang putih ngan sidak Pak Itam. Supermarket is strategically located dekat dengan Inti College. Ok, let's cut the crap shall we..ehhehe. .

Fruit is nearly ripe according to mum but to me it was juicy and sweet.  I just love the colors of the succulent pulps. 


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