Away from the world of reality

Today I decided to bury myself in this crib of mine cos I simply hate what's happening to the outside world today. Been busy and there were times that I wanted to pour everything that was boiling up in my head and when I wanted to blog about it, it just slipped away. ***sigh***  I guess I should keep a notebook and a pen nearby just to jot down those few little ideas that just appeared out of nowhere.  

I was very busy here and there and managed to do some of these along the way.

Scones again...

And again....
Another first attempt at Tiramisu, I've never tasted any tiramisu but I told myself to give it a try after surfing the net for the recipes. Finally after going through the various version of tiramisu, I finally had the courage to prepare this.  Am surprised that it took less than 20 mins to prepare the whole thing. 

I guess  Tiramisu looks like this huh? (just ignore the sloppy layering of the biscuits tho...hahahaha)..Tastewise is simply divine, heavenly and creamy.  Everyone loves it especially the boys.     

At times I can be very impatient and this is the result of that, I couldn't wait to taste the tiramisu, I ended up having a messy piece instead.

Some of the ingredients for the tiramisu recipe.  I finally found the Savoiardi biscuits here.  It's $12.00 per packet and I used the recipe from the pack itself.  Super easy and done in a jiffy!!!. Actually the recipe calls for 500gm of mascarpone cheese but I had only a 250gm of mascarpone cheese, I substituted with cream cheese instead. Insyallah, will try this recipe again with the complete ingredients.    

Toasted Tuna Cheese Bread, one of the breakfast menu last weekend.

Ok, so enough with the "showing off" session of my baking skill etc.  Actually I have tons to say but I'll keep that for my next posting.


Anonymous said…
we all need to bury ourselves into our own little corners from time to time.

good to see you managed those walau dalam kesibukan. that's time management to me :}
Nur68 said…
yerp, we certainly do need our own space and at times I don't mind to drown myself in my pool of imaginations. Hehehe..

Tqs for dropping by ...
Unknown said…
Salam nur,
Belom pernah gik mak isah merasa Tiramisu. Ada mak isah browse resipi nya tek, makei cheese? mesti sedap!

Teringin pulak merasa he he..

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