Batik Perdani aka Kek Batik Arora

Lazing around with nothing to do last weekend prompted me to bake this simple cake. As the other food bloggers has baked this wonderful looking cake, I said to myself, why not?.. I just need to get that baking itch out anyway. At times I find it hard to decide to choose what to bake. Of course it depends very much on what is available in the pantry. Which reminds me of Nigella's pantry...berangan la nak dapatkan pantry like that huh?.. Well, you never knowkan, just becareful what you wish for sometimes as it may come true ***grinning*** So much for introduction kan. Sources: Mamafami , CMG , Kak Yati & originally from Cida My disastrous layering, at times I have a knack of trying to be sooo smart hence the outcome of the so-called smartness. Oh well, next time just go by the book huh..Dunno la what was in my mind when I started to do the layering. The cake was still quite hot and due to my impatience this...