Sambal Goreng Pedas

Sekali makan bertambah-tambah nasi jadinya
Tempe ada, Tauhu pun ada,
Alahai sedapnya sehingga orang lalu pun tak nampak
ke sana ke mari mencari resepi
namun akhirnya ku temu jua di blog Cik Mat Gebu
(Harap maklum, gurindam yang tak menjadi dari tuan tanah.....)

I ate this once at a friend's wedding in the mid 90's (ages ago huh?), it is one of my many, many favourite dish and been looking for the recipe since then.  And where else can I find any reliable recipes nowadays?..none other than this Johorean CMG . This particular one is spicy but I simply love it.  I followed the recipe religiously and the result was marvellous!  However, the next round I would lessen the fried tauhu and would add loads of anchovies. He has a wide collection of reliable recipes that I would ocassionally try and his recipes never fails so far.


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