Ms wrinkly Brownies.

I don't have a sweet tooth but I just love to whip up something sweet and decadent when the cravings creeps.  And so I came up with this simple brownies last night and the respond was unexpected.  My colleagues loved it and some has already place some orders already. Ok...tunggu lok ooo...Me?  I only took a tiny munch of the brownies...uh uh...just too sweet for me.

See, how wrinkled the brownies are?  The recipe is from  here and I doubled everything and  came up with two  9" x 9" square pans and I drizzled the top with salted caramel sauce.  The outcome are fudgy, decadent and sweet brownies and I must admit the topping complements everything.  But I noticed that my brownies are wrinkly on the surface compared to the original pictures from the website. I guess the wrinkles appeared as I added extra sugar from the original recipe.  Oh well!  the brownies was finished in no time.   

Chao for now.


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