
It's Monday!!!!!Yeahhh!..what can I say, first2 thing eh, I had to iron 3 baju awal pagi tadik, reason being, the first two tops were white and I didn't notice the yellow smudges on both tops. By the time I wore the 3rd top, it was already 7 am. Still, I manage to calm myself tho getting a lil panicky already. I simply hate to face the jam around that time tho am driving an auto car. However, I was happy that I arrived before 8, about 0740am to be exact.Must be laju kan, kata kawanku tadik...entahlah deng, sik pian gik nanga meter ku ya... Phew!...

Once I reached the office, all the 3 bosses were in. Wah!...p sik hal la nak, I came before 8. Then, it struck me, two of my colleagues are on leave and that meant I'll be serving 3 bosses today. Mmmmmmmm...kak ya?..dah kerja nak..polah jak lah, tp alhamdulillah all 3 were very nice except for a few occasional enquiries and instructions from my own immediate boss..the rest was history and manageable. Lamak dah aku sik busy gila kedak pagi tadik. Thankfully, I managed to juggle the tasks and clear the pile (not that many but enough to steal the breath out of me)before 12:30 today.

In between photostating stuffs (and with the photostating machine meragam awal2 pagi), delegating the other photostating loads to the office boy, answering calls, making a few calls, flight cancellations and sending & replying emails(need to think oso ma, ingat reply or antar2 emel sukati jak kah, salah ayat mmg mangkong palak dirikpun)...haaaaaaaaa....happy I... I just love my job!...

I made two mistakes today, I ommitted two names in my email list and was reminded by the missing person themselves...ehehehee...sori Dr2 sekelian...

Second mistake, typo error, instead of typing 8 November 2010, I typed 8 October 2010, senyum jak boss madah (senyum sindir kah Boss?..what the heck, I apologised immediately and he smiled...whatever!!!)


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