
Showing posts from March, 2011


Petang rabu lepas, around 5 pm, mbok called and told me that Yah(Sharifah Rodziah) was in coma. Aku demam masa ya and mbok was still working. After that I made a few calls to friends that knew her and told about them bout the news. Plan kamek orang tek nak ngabas nya pagi tadik, but when I called another friend, she broke the news that Yah passed away yesterday morning. She was suffering from leukemia. She was single, a successful entrepreneur and bussinesswoman. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat hendaknya. Dari kejauhan aku maafkan salah silap cos there were some bad times between us. Alfatihah! Amin. Update: Lekak chatting ngan Mbok tadik, sedih nengar crita Mbok, Mbok ada ngabas tapi sik sempat jumpa jenazah aruah, kakak aruah sempat bercerita, pagi nya nak ninggal ya ..abis jak orang dipesannya nyuruh kamek duak Mbok ngabasnya. aduhh...nangis agik, dah jak terkilan sik dpt ngabas di icu, lagik sedih cos kamek duak Mbok sik da disisinya bila nya melepas. Tambah sedih bila k...

"Face-lift" errrrrr.........."blog-lift"...whateverrrrr

Image credit to: free.clipart I have been struggling(hard work konon2 la kan?!!!...) to give my blog a "face-lift, ingat muka ajak k face-lift" kah?.."***giggling****...come to think of it, I guess(in my own way) a blog-lift" ĆÆs more appropriate right? Frankly, I am bored with this template, the font is just too small for my 43 years old eye", plus the fact that I think that this template is not attractive enough. So why on earth did I chose the template in the first place. Me dunno either...laaaaaaaaa, what an excuse!!! Drooling over all the gorgeous templates. Image credit to: free.clipart I have no problems searching for the templates however I had a major problem. Being "a-not-technical-kind-of-a-person it is such a nightmare having to read and trying to grasp the whole idea. First have to download, then the file goes under zip file and then you have to unzip the file and bla, bla, bla....*yikes* between...

Terapi menghilangkan marah................layan jaklah owh....

While typing subject ya, I was second-guessing already, mmmm...whatever lah, ati masih geram ngan marah setegal keretaku dilanggar lari oleh si pengecut yang dayus dan ngok-ngek itu. Dalam melayan perasaan marah & piluk di ati, aku masuklah forum cari tadik, kiranya nak maca gossip lah tek nak, dah masuk rah bod gossip lamak2, terjumpalah macam2 YT lamak, so hasilnya tok lah, found some nice YT of those familiar faces and familiar songs that I grew up with. Terasa nostalgic jak bila nanga YT2 ya. Enjoy lah mun rasa nak enjoy, jalan2 ke jeman mensia ketika aku masih remaja..cehhhhhhhhh....nang ada?..!!!! Toklah rupa Shiela gik mudak2 dolok, sik byk berubah kan, masih kecik2 tapi adalah sikit expansion sia2..but I just love her to bits la... Tiba2 jaik ati(sebak kata urang malaya) jak nanga YT tu, Al-fatihah utk allayarhamah Seha. My favourite group juak tok and my favourite duo. Gelombang - Heavy Machine. Now and then will still stop and listen to the song and sing ...

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How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

Geram Ati dengan pengecut

I had a shock of my life when my car was hit and the culprit got away with it again. And it happened at the staff car park again. Sik tauk sapa pengecut ya, it could be our own staff, student or orang luar yang parking sia, lagikpun yesterday banyak supplier ngantar tender ke office***sigh***..Ya Allah! Sik tauk la kenak species manusia kedak ya sik pandei nak madah kah or just leave a note somewhere di sia....nang sakit ati menar lah ati ku petang marek. At first when I looked at the dented door and the scratches that came with it, I was sort of lost and macam sik ada perasaan jak masa ya. entahlah...I called my sis and my bff Mbok and told them about it. I just renewed my roadtax and insurance the previous day..nak claim insurance agik..?...noooooo...sik mok ku ngaco NCB kereta ku ya... Jaik ati ku nanga scratch ya....geram ajak sik pat nak molah apa....sabar jak akuuuu...Ya Allah! ya jak dapat diluah setiap kali ku ingat dgn scratch tok. Cengkenk rah pintu ...gerammmmmmmmmm...