Hanya Tentang Dhia & Zikir

Picture credit to tonton.com.my & Tentang Dhia Fanpage Abis suda!!!...What a tragic ending to Tentang Dhia. So from the trending of Tentang Dhia, the whole of Malaysia(err, Singapore and Brunei too I guess) were glued to their tv watching the finale episod a while ago. ***sniff***sniff***sniff***sob***sob***sob**** the sad effect is still lingering on me now. I had in a way expected that the ending to be so but what I was really interested was to see what would happen to the evil mother-in-law or appropriately I should label her as monster-in-law from hell. I hate Ku Salmi so much. I was very frustrated that her character was left untouched and I am fuming with anger that Ku Salmi's character was not expanded further. I would love to see what her reaction was when Zikir found out about all her evil doings, and when both Zikir and Dhia died. I would have imagined that the director should have gotten Ku Salmi to get some kind of punishments afterall the bomoh thin...