
Showing posts from December, 2011

Hanya Tentang Dhia & Zikir

Picture credit to & Tentang Dhia Fanpage   Abis suda!!!...What a tragic ending to Tentang Dhia. So from the trending of Tentang Dhia, the whole of Malaysia(err, Singapore and Brunei too I guess) were glued to their tv watching the finale episod a while ago. ***sniff***sniff***sniff***sob***sob***sob**** the sad effect is still lingering on me now. I had in a way expected that the ending to be so but what I was really interested was to see what would happen to the evil mother-in-law or appropriately I should label her as monster-in-law from hell. I hate Ku Salmi so much. I was very frustrated that her character was left untouched and I am fuming with anger that Ku Salmi's character was not expanded further. I would love to see what her reaction was when Zikir found out about all her evil doings, and when both Zikir and Dhia died. I would have imagined that the director should have gotten Ku Salmi to get some kind of punishments afterall the bomoh thin...

oooo En Haris......Izzah............Ombak Rindu

Finally, I get to watch Ombak Rindu (OR) with friends last night. So here goes my review on the movie. 1) The scenery is simply fantastic and I just canā€™t help admiring the beautiful sceneries. It was indeed a sight to behold. So a beach-lover like me definitely enjoys and love all the beautiful sceneries. 2) Loved Harizā€™s kampong houseā€¦byk modern facilities tapi nang kacaklah rumah ya.. 3) Dari mula sampei abis filem ya, the kitten doesnā€™t seem to grow up....go figure that out!!!ā€¦. 4) As expected some of my favourite scene in the novel was scrapped off especially bab Hariz n Izzah, there are quite a few intimate scenes (those whoā€™ve read the novel knows, yang belum baca, sila beli dan baca k);I guess writer/director chose not to put those in the movies for sensitivity reasons and I think AA would want to think twice before acting certain scenes especially some intimate scenes with MK. 5) The OST was simply superb and the duet song by Hafiz AF7 and Adira AF8 complemented ...


Nothing much but am glad it's Friday. Celebrating my birthday with colleagues in the office, I made this kacang pool using baked bean. Can't find any canned broad beans here so based on the recipe from Along I am missing some old2 friends at the moment. Funny thing, both of them are in facebook but none seem to respond to my inbox messages,..I have this funny feeling that both are giving me the cold shoulders. Entahla...I've known them since school days and back in university but I just can't figured out why. Am  very sad as both were very closed to me then and we shared a lot of things be it our sorrows or happiness.   Probably they have some problems but honestly it would be nice if both would reply to one of my many2, messages....**** sigh**** Am I asking too much?  Kadang2 ada rasa nak nanyak but I have not found any courage to do that yet. KIV jak lah niat ya dolok.... Mengong mode on:...  

Favourite ucapan dari drama Tentang Dhia....

ā€Ž'Abang,Dhia cintakan abang'..'Abang pun cintakan Dhia sangat2.Dhia yang pertama dan terakhir'. 'Dhia, abang tak tahu apa akan jadi esok, minggu depan, bulan depan, tahun depan ataupun 10 tahun kemudian.. Abg tak boleh ramal nasib kita berdua... Tapi sebagai seorang suami yang bertanggungjawab, abang akan berikan cinta abang, hati abang, seluruh jiwa abang pada Dhia. Dan yang penting sekali abang akan membahagiakan Dhia seumur hidup abang..Abang janji...' Zaman bergerek aka bila masih sayang, gialah rupanya kan... kalau nak call bila2 boleh, dah jadi laki bini...kenak marah pun ada..waaa....donia...(just responding to this yt jak....kan masih angol tok...hehehe) Angol mode on, so harap maklum and abaikan ajak entry lalek tokk.

Happy birthday to me

Fruit Tartlets Mini Chicken Quiche Yours truly and the ladies. My facebook is full of good wishes today. So here are some pictures of my cosy celebration with sis Sue n sis Djen.  We had lunch at one of the cafeterias around campus only. . Thank you for the cakes ladies. Terasa macam kanak2 riang jak diberik surprise gia. Anyway lovely darlings...thanks a zillion. Moga kita semua murah rezeki dan panjang umur to celebrate this kind of special.   It has been a long and winding journey throughout this 43 years.  Life has not been easy sometimes but I am thankful because I have families and lovely friends that I could count on whenever I need one.  I had my ups and downs with my personal life, in times of heartbreak and frustration I can always count on Mbok for her ears and shoulder to cry on.  I love you Mbok. On the family side, my mum and my sister Mona has been the strong pillar for me to carry on and mo...

Rich Chocolate cake

It's Monday already...mmmmm. Weekend has been fun, first me n Sue celebrated Djen's birthday, not that kind of fancy celebration tho but cosy enough for the three of us ..... Dear sis Djen is like a sister to both of us and she would consult either one of us for any kind of advises when she needs any. So for her birthday I decided to try one an old recipe that I found in one of mum's old magazines. So far, I've tried a few chocolate cake recipes but I can't decide any to be my favourite yet. The least of course is the one using vegetable oil instead of butter, ..personally I prefer a fruitless cake to use butter instead of oil...I would only eat a small piece cos I just couldn't accept chocolate cake with oil in it. I would go ewewewe all over. Ok back to Djen's birthday cake, I did a simple decoration only.  Am no professional when it comes to that but I used to watch mum did all the buttercream icing when I was little. Those days there were no bak...

Tentang Dhia....

'Lambat crita la kau tok' usual that was the response from my friend. Akulah orangnya yang sentiasa lambat minat akan sesuatu especially segala program drama dalam TV. Orang lain dah berkaol2 nanga, masuk forum keluar forum, masuk fanpage fb dan macam-macam lagik ...and here I am baruk nak start enjen kata urghang...LOL Macam kes aku dengan NE awal tahun tok tek...dah abis drama NE baruk nak nanga...that's me...LOL....and now demam 'Tentang Dhia' sister is already giving me that 'aku-dah-madah-look'... welllllllllllll....whatever lah.... I chose this particular episod cos sukaaaaaaaa gilak nanga ND & AP first time dating... Come to think of it, not badlah combination between Nora Danish & Adi Putra...ada chemistry kedak Aaron Aziz & Siti Saleha and of course my favourite jodi...sapa lagik...SRK & Kajol.... Ok enough of all that angol2 stuff...this weekend will be busy attending my ex-boss son's wedding and have some bakin...

To watch or not to watch

Talking about December it seems that everyone (almost la kot?) is talking about Ombak Rindu the not that excited though I've read the novel countlessly. I just love the whole story and the novel is indeed a tear-jerker but I have second thoughts about the movie though, of course temptation wise I would want to watch it cos Aaron Aziz is the hero. But I'm scared?...scared?.pelik kan?..takut?..apa nak ditakutkan nanga wayang OR. I have a knack of expecting the movie to be 100% as in the novel..that is ridiculous of course, yaaaaaaa but I can't help it. Mbok is nagging me to watch the movie this weekend and I have not given her any responses yet. I have yet to watch Happy Feet, Puss in Boots and Twilight: Breaking Dawn ...***sigh*** which is which now...ine meeny miney mo... Picture credit of Official Homepage of Ombak Rindu