To watch or not to watch

Talking about December it seems that everyone (almost la kot?) is talking about Ombak Rindu the not that excited though I've read the novel countlessly. I just love the whole story and the novel is indeed a tear-jerker but I have second thoughts about the movie though, of course temptation wise I would want to watch it cos Aaron Aziz is the hero. But I'm scared?...scared?.pelik kan?..takut?..apa nak ditakutkan nanga wayang OR. I have a knack of expecting the movie to be 100% as in the novel..that is ridiculous of course, yaaaaaaa but I can't help it. Mbok is nagging me to watch the movie this weekend and I have not given her any responses yet. I have yet to watch Happy Feet, Puss in Boots and Twilight: Breaking Dawn ...***sigh*** which is which now...ine meeny miney mo...

Picture credit of Official Homepage of Ombak Rindu



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