Looks can be deceiving... Kek Marble Shiela Mambo

I baked this (hmmmm..how shall I put it in words now...) a Marble Cake gone wrong?!!!  This marvelous and scrumptous recipe is from CMG .  I can say that recipe is picture perfect but compared to my effort of making the marble effect...***sigh****...I still fail to come up with a beautiful marble effect and I guess one of the reason being the chocolate marble sanked at the bottom of the cake was because it was too heavy from the other batter. Too much cooking chocolate cos I doubled the recipe plus some tweaks here and there, plus this minus that etc.  I used margarine instead of butter but verdictwise, mum and sis loves it.  According to them its crumbly and heavenly but too sweet.  Even CMG mentioned in his entry that the recipe was too sweet but  I will definitely lessen the sugar again and the cooking chocolate in future.  I have a knack of doubling the recipe everytime I  come across a new recipe especially when the recipe is halves of everything. Seems wasteful to cut the ingredients in halves, might as well use the whole amount.  Some recipes that I've tried turned out to be successful and at times I failed.

This is CMG's version. Credit to CMG.

And this is my version. See, the chocolate batter sinks at the bottom. I suppose the greed to have a chocolicious marble taste is evident here. LOL. Anyway, this slight 'failure' won't stop me, I'll be making some more soon as I have to get rid of the soon-to-be-expired cooking chocolate I have.

Looks can be deceving and tastewise, this recipe is simply delish despite of the 'poor' marble effect.

See what kind of marble effect I can come up with next....


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