Sudirman dalam kenangan

Pic credit to ricky Mun diekot rasa ati sik ada juak nak post hal aruah Sudirman. It's known already and there were a few entries about him here and here It's been 19 years since he passed away. Banyak la cerita tentangnya, namala artis, sik pernah lari dari gossip etc. I believe none of those crap and in my own little way, I pray that he would get well soon then. But it never happened. After all these years, he is dearly missed. But am not here to talk about any of that except that I am one of his fans, I grew up with his songs and to me he is simply unbeatable and he is in his own league. Program tv dolok pun bukan mcm kinek tok,macam2 channel ada sampei sik tertanga agik nok ney. But knowing me, I spend most of the time watching AFC, TLC, Criminal Minds, Oprah, NCIS (just to name a few of my many2 favourites) Aih!..Jauh juak melelat aku tek owh...ok back to cerita aruah Sudirman tek.. My favourite songs?...banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk........Amongst the many2 is Peng...