Skemanya title entry kali tok. Boring eh! Weekend is here again, come to think of it, alang2 jak ari senin kerja owh, kakya PH gik ari Selasa sempena Maulidurasul. Next weekend is our family day di Damaipuri (betul nak kah spelling ya)'s been ages since I set foot di area Santubong. Bukan nak bias kah apa but I prefer the beaches in Miri compare to the ones here. Jgn marah oii kitak org yg suke ke Santubong beach ya...dah la jauh, you don't really enjoy the whole stretch of beach, I mean..not that I would want to take a walk along the whole stretch of course but.***sigh****...the Santubong beach does not seem to fascinate me at all. I've been to Sematan and Lundu, the beaches there is much better than the ones at Santubong. Biasnya aku...mmm..I just can't help it at all. If Miri is as near Sematan and Lundu memang ku agak bah. Ok! Ok! Ok!..Udah lah ngerepak hal beach ya...alu berjakok...haish!..

These pictures were taken during my last trip to Miri. I miss these sight.

just looking at this picture is enough to bring me peace..

Pure blisssss.....

Opss...tajuk di atas TGIF..tapi kelakar hal beach, mmm that definitely shows how much I miss Miri. Next trip insyallah. I must!!!!



Fiza Nordin said…
salam kak... napelah akak jenguk blog sy lambat??? klu tak boleh kite gather2... hahahaaa

sy dah balik s'njung flight sabtu (19hb) 11pm...

bg sy yg baru 1st time ke s'wak, Damai tu dah cantik klu akak kata di Miri lg ok, harus lepas ni usaha jejakkan kaki ke sane pula. tp lepas ke KK la....hehehee

**nak ke KK pun belum ada perancangannya bila dah berangan hahahahaa

thanks sudi jenguk blog...lepas ni i'Allah ada 3/4 n3 lagi pasal h/moon @ sarawak tu...

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