Ramblings only

A dear friend received some good news last month and treated 2 of us over lunch.  Since that she is a very private person, I am not allowed to share any pictures in my blog, ahaks!!!...so, in the  true spirit of blogging (cewah...ada kah?!!) I only took a picture of one of my platter especially for the blog. What's a blog without pictures right?...

Looking at this picture again, I can't seem to recall what these were, but I remembered that these were grilled tomatoes, some sun-dried tomatoes, grilled chicken, potatoes, sweet potates, zucchini, capsicum with coriander leaves and generous sprinklings of parmesan cheese.  I finished every single thing here and yesss, it was simply delish.

Forgive the amateurish appoach to this particular photo ya, I simply took a snap of this while waiting for them at the lobby to ease the boredom.  Luckily I didn't wait too long though.

Apparently someone has been very, very busy flirting around and breaking hearts at the same time. Well, hello dude..keep on making your conquests, one of these days you might fall from your own trap too.   Sooner or later, well, Allah maha mengetahui.     What  was that all about huh?..just need to get that out I guess....fuhhhhhhhhh!!! I feel much better. Alhamdulillah.  As they say, another door closes, another door opens.  Or its the end to the beginning of something new, insyallah.(***ngerepak mode & sinu mode on n off:***)



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