When duty calls....

Campus was buzzing with a hype of activities the last 3 weeks.  First it was the SUKBOM(Sukan Bomba satu Malaysia), of course we were not involved but  all the participants were staying in our campus since it was already the  semester holidays.  Well, with one of the best sports facilities around now, the university has been chosen to house the Sarawak athletes during their pre-SUKMA training a few months ago.

Majlis Anugerah Gemilang UNIMAS(MAGU 2012)

Majlis Perbarisan Tamat Latihan dan Penyampaian Sijil Kor SUKSIS IPTA Semalaysia Kali Ke-8 2012 

So, there goes my 2 weekends. But alhamdulillah, everything went well especially the ones with SUKSIS though it was dead stressful the whole session.  Nope, am not going into details.  Let that be our "sweet memories".   We were already on duty from 6:30 am till 10:30pm.  But when people appreciate your effort, all hiccups were already forgotten.

We were glad it was over and now looking forward to the next one in October.

The best team so far,we made it happen despite of being under intense pressure.



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