
Fresh from the oven


Just trying on my photo taking skill actually....hehehehe...perasannya!!!

Again, another go at my photo taking skill

Apple Raisins Muffin

Chocolate Chip Muffins

Did these muffins some time ago. Recipes courtesy of since that it has been ages ago, can't remember whose recipes that I took. Somehow, am not satisfied with chocolate chips muffins though, tak merekah lah muffin ni....


Hungry Iban said…
Owh, sedapnya muffin kak nor. tikam2lah utk mek urang situk ahahhaha...
Nur68 said…
Cokiiiiiiiiiiiii..hehehhee..boleh, kelak mek ngibarnya rah kitak sinun...
Baiduri said…
Benar kata cokelat. Berik2lah dgn kamek org sitok. Rajinnya kitak. Mun kamek dah sik terkaber. Kismis, mentega, telur, tepung ada tapi cup ya sikda.
Nur68 said…
Dear Bai,

Tqs for dropping by. Jangkak rajin, cam tok lahnya abis nok dalam kamera dirugak...tok tgh malas ada plan nak molah muffin agik, rumah kamek org muffin polah mek riya nang sekali duduk jak..x da nunggu esok2 agik.
Baiduri said…
Kamek belum sempat molah gik. Ingat nak molah rock buns jak. Dah tgh bayar posa tok. Sengsara nyawa kamek tok eh. Hehehhhh.....

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