Convocation Day 1 - 150809

Pictures first ya. ****sigh**** apologies for the quality of pictures taken, an amateur crazy(sometimes!!!)with photographing and blogging at the same time. Oh well! whatever la nak....ahaks!!!. These were taken on the first day. Since I did not go out to venture further I only manage to capture only these. Not that I did not want to but with the H1N1 thingy now, I preferred to stay inside the hall. Since aku bertugas dalam dewan santapan, makan free lah! Alhamdulillah for that of course. LOL. A lot of things happpened on day 1, mostly glitches but we managed to cover that up with our one thousand million smiles. I wish the blog has emoticons functions just to brighten the entries. Actually ada cerita disebalik some of the pictures but whatever, tugas tetap diteruskan, rain or shine kata orang. Our uniform the first day was blue baju & flashy red tudung. Among the various comments that we received:
1) lawalah pulak bila korang dah pakai ramai2 ni.
2) Aih!..Kitak orang sik berlomba perauk tek?...(sabar jak aku...huhuhuhu)
3) Actually kan kain design ni kalau korang wat fesyen kurung moden lagiiiiiiiiiiiiii lawa......(adoh heh!..mun jak daknya tauk cerita disebalik kontroversi baju uniform kamek org ya..)

There goes day 1 and by the end of the day, my feet was really killing me. ****Sigh***


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