A very hot weekend

This pic is not related to this particular entry. Been surfing for pic of the haze, can't seem to find any...+++sigh++++ (biar betul!!!) Will replace the above pic once I find one.

By now everyone knows everywhere in Sarawak is under dry spell and under acute haze. I just don't have the heart to go out anywhere. OMG! this weather is driving me crazy, urghhhh!!! And this kind of weather is really spreading the H1N1 real fast. I'm feeling sick already and coughing a lil bit here and there. ****sigh**** Next week is going to be a very busy week for me. It's convocation week for us here which will be held on 15 -16th August 2009 (Saturday and Sunday). The campus is buzzing with activities since last week.

I won't be in the office for 3 days starting from Monday till Wednesday. As I've been appointed as usherettes for this years' convocation, myself and the rest that were appointed will attend a course for two days. On Wednesday, I'll be attending a convensyen at Crown Riverside Majestic. Talking about usherettes, I have no idea whether our uniforms are ready or not. Hmmm..


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