Demam Election 2011

D day is finally tomorrow. And I for one can't wait for this weekend to be over. Sarawak is hyped with activities at all corners of the state. It's in the papers, in the media and evvvvvvvvvvvvverywhere, I tell you...
Since that I am not a crowd person (I hate crowds cos everytime am in a crowd I get suffocated easily...) I plan to do so in the morning.

This is the only time you see hoards of ministers and political leaders from West Malaysia in Sarawak, you practicaly bump into them at the wet markets, kopitiam (and if you're lucky you get to share the same table sipping your hot coffee and laksa sarawak with them & the whole troop etc. Whatever la kan, come election, or shall I say election mentality, election mali, YB & menteri mali jugak....mmmmmm..

Posters, flags (you see big2 ones, the small2 ones)are put up everywhere & every little corners that they can think of. It saddens me to see that some posters are more on personal attack. Wonder how some of the leaders feel if their own father are being called old dog?..mmmmm..I can't help thinking.....that the present leaders reflects what the leaders of tomorrow will be. If this is what our next generation have to put up, may God have mercy on everyone.

However, I am very frustrated when I look at how the election fever is going on with the whole state anddddddd country. I just simply hate the provocations. We don't want foreigners parading promises after promises and telling us what is best for the state.

Being the biggest state in the country and blessed with abundance of natural resources that is Oil and Gas, plus the abundance of tropical Borneo forest, it is definitely our pride and joy. Am not going to talk further on that, but come to think of it, and in my personal opinion, I think I understand why the late father of the current Sultan Brunei did not want Brunei to join Malaysia.)

Ok, no more rantings on this political stuff, frankly, am not happy with the whole election thing now as I noticed that there more attack on race and religion than progress and development for the state. I wonder though, did they really listen to their own speeches? I guess it's just for the sake of pulling the crowd and bragging that you have the most crowd ever...!!!!!!!

Whatever the outcome is I want peace and harmony to my fellow brothers and sisters in my beloved Sarawak. Peace.



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