
Aik?...tang ada-ada jak ada gambar telur goreng, ada cerita sebenarnya tapi tunggu lok. It's Good Friday holiday here so come the holiday, come the chores with it. Clearing the laundry, doing some mini spring-cleaning in the bedroom etc. Ok, back to this story of the fried egg..cam ney nak start owh?..cam tok jaklah, last month I chatted with adik angkatku. She's married with 4 kids and residing in Putrajaya. We shared a lot of gossips, hehehe, biasalah nak...so nya bercerita hal perangey anak lakinya...asal makan ajak nya mesti ada telur goreng. Mun telur goreng sik ada, nya mesti nyuruh bibik molah. Ya lah berkenang mun dolok masa nya kecik, telur goreng ya dikira stok makanan tengah bulan. Dolok idop pun bukan senang, I shared that too with her. Come to think of it, I couldn't agree more, I was brought up with that 'culture' of sindrom makanan tengah bulan or bila sontok2 kata urghang sarawak. Another favourite is sardine masak kicap. Aku tauk bila mak dah ngidang sardine masak kicap duak telur goreng, fulus sik cukup lah ya...but I learn to be thankful no matter what. Along the way and as I grew up I began to understand the whole thing. Actually my parents never brought any of us to eat out. Well, those days pun sik banyak food court or fast food kedak kinek tok. I remembered when Sugar Bun first operated in Miri back in 1984(those days, I never even heard of KFC so Sugar Bun was the thing then), I made it a point to save enough so that I could enjoy the chicken burger. . Anddddddddddddd...come to think of it,I mean now, I just realised that the burgers are getting smaller. Another favourite is the fish burger. Waaaa...I could rave on and on and on...LOL

Mmmmmmmmmm ...Ok, ok, ok..back to those days, it was a big thing then okeh!!!.I would always asked my friend to buy me the burger and I would enjoy it during the extra class then.

Telur goreng tok dari dapur Uncle Google, sik sempat nak berambik gambar telur goreng dari dapur ku pun..hehehhe

Yalah beza dolok ngan kinek tok, kedak langit ngan bumi jak bezanya. That's all for now, mata dah ngantok kenak kipas angin. Have a nice weekend and happy easter to all celebrating.



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