Karnival Sukan Air Antara Jabatan/Fakulti UNIMAS (Piala TNC HEPA) 2011 akan diadakan pada 26 November 2011 (Sabtu) bertempat di Tasik UNIMAS.
Picture credit to Nur Kasih's fb.
When I told a friend that I would be representing my faculty for this event, she was giving me that "you-must-be-joking look"..aik...ko biar betul...you of all the people, nak berkayak!!!...that was her comment while still giving me that look. LOL!! It was certainly tickling to look at her. I was not offended at all though...she meant good but I can't blame her too...I for one have never gotten myself involved in any kind of activities like this not even during school days. And,..come to think of it, zaman2 school dolok ney ada aktiviti kedak ya....but I used to tag along my dad when he goes fishing...but I just stayed quietly in the boat and was not allowed to hold the oars. Pathetic sik?!!!
As I would be participating in the women's double and mixed double, come the training day, me and my partner(also a first timer though she hails from Kampung Bako), ....we had a blast!!!yesss....a real blast...LOL...first lesson...trying to get ourselves in the boat...and being girls naturally there were shouting, shrieking and laughters till our tummies ached. Firstly, both of us were struggling to get in the boat and next was struggling to sit ...yaaaaaaaaaaa....ingat senangkah nak duduk and make yourself comfy dalam bot explorer ya(the type of boat we'll be using)...lainlah mun nait perauk tambang,lagik senang!!!...aiee...manas!!!...ihiks!! I tell you nong...(Kak Lehot mode jap::) Those first few moments were quite scary ala-ala manja gitu (perlu kah>??)..cos I had this wild imagination swimming in my head that what if, I lost my balance and both of us falls in the lake. Of course both of us wore our life-jacket but none of us knows how to swim...and more wild imaginations what if this, what if that and bla, bla, bla... Pity the guy that voluntarily trained us ...he could only shaked his head away and grinning most of the time......ihikss....I thought the trainer is suppose to bully the trainee...but I guess he was intimidated cos he was given the task to train kakak2...adoii..kesian...tapi sikhal la...kakak2 tok sik main2 koh...just feeling funny at ourselves and I am still asking myself "What the hell are you doing girl?!!!"
We did not have much training though as everyone was busy with their own job commitments but after a while and after getting ourselves familiar with the do's and don't's and the rowing stuff alhamdulillah both of us are at ease now.We are not counting on any winnings but prayfully we can complete the 200 metres. The distance may not look that far but after the training we are indeed doubtful whether we can make it the finishing line? mmmmmm...Apakah?..LOL...aiee...kelakar macam dah pro berkayoh aie..ihiks...so what kan?...at least adalah participation kamek duak yang dah bergelar veteran tok..kuikuikui...
So...am counting to the day tomorrow...good luck to us and the faculty!!!
Row, row, row your boat,
gently down the stream
merrily, merrily, merrily
life is but a dream.....
