Sebenarnya ...
Gambar dari Mr Google
Sebenarnya awal pagi dah dikejutkan dengan gambar pernikahan pasangan yang boleh dikatakan rapat dengan aku & N. Honestly, I just can't figure out my exact feelings when I saw their wedding photos which I saw in my friend's facebook. Nak marah?..mmmm..nope...kecik ati?...nahi, nahi, nahi...but aku doakan kalian berbahagia hendaknya, moga dimurahkan rezeki dan dirahmati Allah sentiasa.
Sebenarnya this couple assumed that both of us(me & N) did not know about their complicated relationship. And the funny thing is some of their friends assumed the same. We knew about the whole complicated things from N's sister who are closed to all parties involved with their 'secret'. Unfortunately that "secret" had destroyed their relationship (all parties involved except for me and N). And from what I understand from N's sister, seems that all of them are suspicious of each other and occasionally if they happen to bump into each other, their conversations were done carefully and tactfully. Sick huh?. But that never happened to both of us as we pretended to be as innoncent as possible. Guilty of all charge la tek. Of course, N's sister told us to swear not to tell another soul after this. So, imagine my ala-ala "surprise" when I saw the wedding pictures this morning.
Sebenarnya nak, I find that very tickling indeed as both of us have an open mind about this kind of thing and we just don't care. Not to say that both of us agrees with it but both of you are adults and knows hukum-hakam & halal haramnya. We could only offer our prayers from far to the couple whom we considered as dear friends and both are like our brother and sister. Some of us do have some skeletons hidden in our cupboards somehow.
Sebenarnya, both of us knew the mess that there were in and we have kept the "secret" to ourselves all those years and I can say both of us did our part excellently.
Moral of the story: Sebenarnya kamek duak N dah tauk cerita kitak duak ya, whatever it is kamek duak N doakan yang terbaik for both of you. Some things should remain unsaid somehow.

Moral of the story: Sebenarnya kamek duak N dah tauk cerita kitak duak ya, whatever it is kamek duak N doakan yang terbaik for both of you. Some things should remain unsaid somehow.