Selamat Ari Gawai, Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai, Lantang Belama

Selamat Ari Gawai to all my dayak friends and relatives whereever they are. It's a two days public holidays in Sarawak starting tomorrow till 2nd June 2011. Best nak?...2 ari cuti in middle of the week and almost everyone celebrating the festival is taking their leave and going back to their respective villages by now. Apart from that some not celebrating the festival takes the opportunity to go on leave as it is the school holidays and away on Cuti2 Malaysia plus some that I know is going for overseas trip. Me? not going anywhere, I have plans to go elsewhere this year end with some friends insyallah. This month as been quite a month for me because *****drum roll*****(sarcastically)...i kenak saman polis koh, setegal 3rd brake light hangus, ney la nak sedar benda kedak ya leka gago ngecek tayar ajak, tapi bayar jaklah out with RM100.00 for that...urghhhhhhhh.....tebik dah bajet ku bulan 6 tok...haish.. I...