Adios Micheal

Michael Jackson - This is how I want and will always remember him.
Picture credited to AP

It was a shock to me when I heard about his death. I never considered myself a hardcore fan of him but I grew up with his songs during my early childhood in the late 70s and later in my teenage heydays in early 80s, we sang along to his songs especially Beat It, Thriller, Billie Jean. I remembered back then where I had to sneak out of my bedroom middle of the night just to watch his video on tv back then. My parents were very strict then and during my school days I must sleep by 9pm and were not allowed to watch the TV unless all my homework are done. Very regimented huh!
I still find it hard to believe that he is gone..................too soon as matter of fact......just watching the service memorial stirred my emotion so much and I just cried and cried. I cried for him, for his children and for his losses of privacy, understanding, love and care from people surrounding him. I am moved by his songs and the messages that carries with it. None can replace him not even close. Some of us forgets that beneath all the glitz and glamour lies a warm-blooded human being in flesh and blood like the rest of us. You are not strange nor a freak to me. You are what you are and you are very special in your own way.

After watching a few you tubes on MJ and his kids, it was indeed a heart-wrenching sight to see him with his kids. Obviously he wanted to be the perfect father that he never had I suppose.

Just to share one of the many memorable quotes on MJ from Stevie Wonder.
Jackson Memorial Quotes"This is a moment that I wish that I didn't live to see come. But as much as I can say that and mean it, I do know that God is good, and I do know that as much as we may feel — and we do — that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more." Stevie Wonder


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