Makan2 di Sarawak Club, Samarahan

The terrace
Chicken Chop

Pad Thai


Ema's Choice of Fish n Chips with Carrot Juice

Fish n Chips

Forgotten the name of this dish......but beef is nice


My choice of Sweet Sour Chicken and Ice-Lemon Tea

After - What's left of my Sweet Sour Chix...
My Say: Nang nyaman lah............

Tomyam Soup (what's left of it ;););) )- nice but not spicy enough for me and Ros...

Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih daun keladi, mudahan murah rezeki cia lagik.....
I mentioned in the previous entry somebody is going to treat us for lunch right? here there are.......don't want to say or write much...the pictures are very good in telling stories you know....****wink**** wink****wink****


Ray said…
Hai kak Nur,

I never knew ada Swak Club kat samarahan koh...Maka dolok2 mek keja area ya juak;)...I guess mesti dah byk berubah tempat ya kan??BTW nyaman jak rupa makanan kitak ya...nasib bait mek dah makan, sik la tengok hehhe
Nur68 said…

Sarawak club ya gik baru juak ..if am not mistaken just opened early last year,..daknya nyewa tanah tok dr Unimas most of the time kamek org mun ada apa2 makan not bad...nok dimakan kamek sweet sour chix considered ok for my taste....and serving daknkya besar juak...rega ok lah juak...

Samarahan dah byk berubah, dah ada KFC oiii kekkeke...Bank Rakyat juak...even office HQ SALCRA tgh dipolah kinek tok, & another big office sebelah ya pun tgh dipolah, sik salah kamek SOP...

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