Rehearsal Konsert Reunion AF7

The boys opening act, Titah!! though it was too loud for me as we were standing near the big2 times I had to cover my ears to really listen to their voice

Akim, Aishah @Aishkim & Aril

Aril tgh hafal lirik

Musicians doing sound-check etc..

The stage

AC Mizal, warming up and at the same time cracking some jokes here n there, the usual stuff

who else nak?...the dance teacher or rather choreographer, Cikgu Aris...

Zizi waving (my sister took all these pictures while the 3 of us were waiting near the stage then)

Obri, Akim & Awok

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to watch the rehearsal for the Reunion Concert AF7. I just went along since my dear sister invited me to join her and her friends to watch it at Padang Merdeka. Why not nak?..since this is the first time such concert is held here lagipun juara org Sarawak. I didn't expect anything, to me it would be like any other concerts. We arrived at PM around 0830pm, we just parked my car at MP only. Rehearsal did not start till 1000pm...duhhh!!!..normal la tu kan...the schedule says the rehearsal would start at 0900 pm. Crowds of people start pouring in but luckily we were able to move around with ease. I was sceptical to go actually due to the current H1N1 thingy....

We left amidst Qhaud's & Aishah duet of Dibius Cinta as rain started to fall. What I can say is that their performance has improved and vocals getting better though I understand that some of them were sick esp Hafiz and Sidi.


Baiduri said…
Nor, jealous kamek eh. Kamek sikda ndiat Sure Heboh & AF7 Reunion Concert. Sayang pics kitak sik berapa terang. Mesti rami yg google nak ndiat pics reunion concert ya.

Jgn2 mlm tok kitak ndiat kapal berhias di Kuching Water Front. Dah startlah bunyi siren polis tok.

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