Gagonya aku.....

Back from Miri last week I was practically bogged down with loads of work that just suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Honestly, am still in the reunion mood gathering and visiting the facebook has been therapy session for me. I'm getting my daily updates of photos being uploaded by the rest of us. Oh well, am going to put that in the reunion entry later2 la. What a feeling!..Seems believing! ...wah!..berlagu what a feeling indah lok!..*****giggling*******

Last Saturday I was on duty for Malam Gemilang Unimas 2008. This is where some of the cemerlang staff get their recognition for their excellent work performance in 2008. I'm not getting mine this year , I got mine last 2 years so sik kisah la ...on duty jak, happy for them and congrats to all who got the award... plus cash award of RM1,000.00. Yahoo! on behalf of them cos 3 of them are from my department and yessssssssssssssssssss...............ada org nak belanja koh...starting from tomorrow. So there will be no pack lunch for me tomorrow.


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