St. Columba's Reunion (Class of '85) - Dinner

The boys
The girls
All three classes combined 5A1, 5A2 & 5A3
Another group photo at our table
The boys karaoke session, otai2 rockers zaman 80an. hehehehe
Semangat eh!...
The girls turn....
Another group of girls having their share of Dancing Queen with a lil help from the MC, Naza
Cikgu Robin, one of the recipients for the lucky draw
Abg Sharkawi receiving his lucky draw hamper from Azeez
The lucky draw gifts from generous donors
Slide shows for the quiz session - this particular slide is a picture of Lily & Azeez during Teacher's Day Celebration, Azeez is wearing Lily's uniform and Lily is wearing Azeez's uniform..
Some more slides....
Notice the hair style, those were the fashion those days, spiky and full of gels...ehehhehe
Can't remember what the question was for this particular quiz?
Slide showing the girls' hockey team then...
MC, Naza announcing the next program..Quiz!!!
Makan-makan, mingle2...
Some more catching up....
One of us brought the school's yearbook, I had tears in my eyes when I saw this, I should have brought mine too...really miss those good old days la...uhuhuhuhuhuhu...
Sue showing off her pic...and I was scrambling to look for my pic, funny, how come my photo was not there...mmmmmmm
Yen asking for another autograph for the yearbook....
Some more snap2...
I snap you, you snap me...hehehehhe
Old classmates of 5A1, Muni and Cikgu Robin (who is now teaching at St. Columba's)
Hugging, tears and what not...*****sigh*****
Some of us had not met each other since 1985 & can be seen from the faces...
Old classmates of 5A1 again, Lily and Leh Syn ....
Some more catching up .....
Azeez, Wet & Jeff
Wonder what's tickling Naza?...With him in blue, Rada, Leh Syn & Wet
The "flower girls", Freda & Lily making their entrance
Last minute glitch..but was duly rectified in a jiffy..hehehehe

So here's the full entry and pictures.

It was an evening that I will always remember for the rest of my life. Seeing some of them after all those years brought tears and I was speechless for a while. I missed them so much especially those from my class 5A1. I asked myself a couple of times, this is it?..this is the reunion that I've been wanting to organise and suddenly it's here and now?!!!. Alhamudlillah, I'm glad that we made it happen for all some of us. I was frustrated that some of them did not make it due to some prior commitments and some just declined for no reason. Nevertheless that didn't stop me from enjoying myself that evening. How I wish we could have more time for the evening. Everyone said the same thing...belalak eh!!!!..Nang juak belalak!...

We made a commitment that evening to meet again in by the time we reach 50. Insyallah!!!


aku...ejot said…
kak norly...nk tudung pink ya mst my sis kan..heheheh
Nur68 said…
Jot...ya betulllllllllll.....mcm mak datin jak rupanya..hehehehe...p most of us nang sik berubah lah except that most of us grow wider.....tunggu jak pic2...gik nak ngkah watermark...hehehhe...
Baiduri said…
Part grow wider senyum2 kamek baca. Biasalah ya. Best ndiat kitak org reunion. Mun sekolah kamek org selalu polah besar2an di hotel. Mun sama dirik biasa2 jaklah. Kamek & kakak2 kamek pernah attend sekali di Riverside. Ya nang dipolah sekolah.
Nur68 said…
Bai, actually there's a a big one for the whole school, 80th anniversary of Columbian Alumni di Miri next month, kamek x pat pegi cos gago ngan majlis konvo at the same time..nang best masa reunion ya..rasa sik mok balit jak, the time was soooooooooo short...rasa nak lepak2 lamak2 gik ngan kawan2 lamak....
Baiduri said…
Nur, mun school reunion nang malas pergi. Nang sikda jumpa old classmates. Lainlah mun molah reunion among ourselves. Nang best jumpa kawan2 lamak. Rasa nak balit jadi teenagers giklah Nur.

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