St. Columba's Reunion (Class of '85) - Dinner

The girls

Another group photo at our table
Slide shows for the quiz session - this particular slide is a picture of Lily & Azeez during Teacher's Day Celebration, Azeez is wearing Lily's uniform and Lily is wearing Azeez's uniform..

MC, Naza announcing the next program..Quiz!!!
One of us brought the school's yearbook, I had tears in my eyes when I saw this, I should have brought mine too...really miss those good old days la...uhuhuhuhuhuhu...

Sue showing off her pic...and I was scrambling to look for my pic, funny, how come my photo was not there...mmmmmmm

The "flower girls", Freda & Lily making their entrance

So here's the full entry and pictures.

So here's the full entry and pictures.
It was an evening that I will always remember for the rest of my life. Seeing some of them after all those years brought tears and I was speechless for a while. I missed them so much especially those from my class 5A1. I asked myself a couple of times, this is it?..this is the reunion that I've been wanting to organise and suddenly it's here and now?!!!. Alhamudlillah, I'm glad that we made it happen for all some of us. I was frustrated that some of them did not make it due to some prior commitments and some just declined for no reason. Nevertheless that didn't stop me from enjoying myself that evening. How I wish we could have more time for the evening. Everyone said the same thing...belalak eh!!!!..Nang juak belalak!...
We made a commitment that evening to meet again in by the time we reach 50. Insyallah!!!