
Showing posts from July, 2011

Bila o Lehot, o Lehot, o Lehot ngerepak....

My last entry for this month. Ju kita nengar kerepak Kak Lehoddddddddddddd... The latest 'hit' from Kak Lehot Hal orang bergerek.. Keyword: btundak-tundei sama ke pasar meli ikan popot 2 3 kelo,meli sedo meli kebaya...tetak sama2 serabak smpey ke langit...bestfriend nya ngangkatnya gugok di juruk..makei kot,rmbut pesen dak superman bgolong di depan..mana dak rompuan makei kasut ketok 5 inci sanggol air-hostess kdk steywedesss nak dlm belon ya..bila dah x berecan..muka dah engkodok gusi dah biru... Happy weekend semuaaaaaaaaaa...

Congrats FSTS

FSTS mencipta sejarah memenangi Anugerah Inovasi Naib Canselor 2011 (nama asal Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor). Empat kriteria utama yang telah dinilai oleh panel luar yang telah dilantik ialah: 1) Kepimpinan * Perancangan Strategik * Pengurusan Data dan Maklumat * Komitmen Membudayakan Kualiti dalam PTJ 2) Pengurusan Sumber *Pengurusan Sumber Manusia *Pengurusan Sumber Kewangan *Pengurusan Sumber Aset 3) Sistem Kualiti Penyampaian Perkhidmatan *Pelaksanaan Sistem Kualiti *Pemantapan Integriti *Usaha-usaha Menangani Karenah Birokrasi 4) Pencapaian PTJ *Perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan Utama PTJ *Pencapaian Kualiti Perkhidmatan Kepada Pelanggan *Pengukuran Pencapaian PTJ *Pengiktirafan Terhadap PTJ dan Staf Panel Penilai adalah terdiri daripada pegawai MPC dan MAMPU.

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan 1432 Hijrah

Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan datang lagi.    Selamat menyambut ramadhan al-mubarak 1432 Hijrah buat semua muslimin dan muslimat. Syukur alhamdulillah, umur kita dipanjangkan untuk terus menikmati bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkat pada tahun ini.  Saya ingin memohon ampun dan maaf dari hujung rambut hingga ke hujung kaki atas segala silap.  Salam sayang untuk semua ahli keluarga, sanak-saudara dan kawan-kawan sekelian.

Blame it on Mr. Tonsil

I was on sick leave due to tonsillitis last Tuesday and Wednesday. This time around the tonsil was worst and I was struggling to swallow solid food and drink. The doctor prescribed some guggling liquid but that seem to make it worst. Lastly mom suggested that I drank some tamarind juice and alhamdulillah it helped and I was coughing away some mucus after countless litres of the tamarind juice. Think this is the only time I gobbled up loads of tamarind juice...ahaks. Alhamdulillah I am getting better though I could still the twinge of pain when swallowing.   Specially to Mizz Coki , this is my workstation, you've seen my previous workstation so this is my current workstation.  How?...Would you prefer the glass table or fancy this typical L-shape table?... That's all for now, still feeling a little bit giddy after taking my medication, I must confess this is the first time I am taking the antibiotics tablets religiously.  If not, after feeling...

Boss away

The boss is away on a weeks' leave and I am so damned bored. Counting the days for Ramadhan, Plus a couple of things that's been bugging me. That makes my headache getting boss around does not mean I'm free, my hands were quite full and when required I would assist those needing assistance.  But that is how it is, the support staffs are supposed to service the lecturers and students. Ayatttt!!!  so the very skema ooooo..... That's all for now,  I've nothing much to share at the moment...TGIF! Alhamdulillah, will be busy this weekend and hopefully next week promises some refreshing news. Again these beautiful pictures were taken from this beautiful blog .  It's my latest favourite place to feast my eyes on.  Just check it out ya!!!... 

Holding on...

Have you ever had that feeling of having difficulty to letgo of something? Well, I have and am experiencing that feeling now...eeeeeeeeeeeee geram aih... ! Btw, this particular song is not related at all to this sudden outburst. Need to get it out of my system somehow. ***sigh***

Hum Saath Saath Hain

Watched Hum Saath Saath Hain (We Stand United) last night over Channel 108. Have actually watched this movie a few times already and it never fails to bring me to tears. I even bought the CD and I still cry and get teary all over again...***sigh***  Apakah owh?..Asal nanga cita industan kah or cita tamil kah, tauk nangis... I simply love their costumes with all the vibrant colours and accessories etc.  L - R (Karisma Kappor, Tabu & Sonali Bendre) My favourite couple in the movie, Salman and Sonali, they looked so sweet together.  Both of them were suppossedly shy in this movie.  Anyway, this is among the few movies which I really enjoyed watching Salman without having him to show off his wide chest and 4 - 6 packs of abs...urghh...cos I think that he just a show-off .  But Mbok just loved him...ahaks...with or without the shirt on...selera masing2 nak?...LOL. Tabu was awesome too..... ...


The very first question that people will always ask you when your boss is transferred away is "Ƅre you following him?"..seriously?!!! I've been a secretary for the last 20 years and it never happened so far. I am not belittling my own profession here but at times I do wonder, is it necessary for the secretary to follow the boss whenever he or she is transferred? Frankly, I don't see the need for it cos imo our position is not that critical. Some may disagree but where I come from, this kind of thing is a no, no, no, peeps. I've been working in a bank, then an IT consultancy firm(both private sectors) and now with the government, I have yet to see this thing happening to me yet. However, I know that some of my friends working in the state government has gone through this. I remembered that I used to call her  and after a lapse of many years,  I managed to contact her again for one of the reunions previously and she is still with the same boss since graduating from...


This was my dinner with Mbok two nights ago. Rather than patronising our favourite Mee Kolok stall or fondly known as keday mee kolok ADM (can't remember the no of his kiosk..sorryyyy) Anyway back to this outlet, it's called Hot Plate No. 23 Kubah Ria. We decided to order Nasik Ayam Penyet and was taken by surprise as it turned out to be good and simply delish!!! Except that the sambal was not spicy enough for me la, the rest was spot on!!!  As we are a bunch of cerewet species (haruslah gitu....hehehe) we tend to flock the usual favourite spot only so it was indeed refreshing to know that we have other choices after this. Nasik Ayam Penyet Stall No 23, Hot Plate, Kubah Ria, Matang The nice and sweet sambal.  The serving was just nice nothing too much or too little and  it cost $6.00 only  which is reasonable and I can say very cheap (or maybe there is something cheaper than this one) but I settled for this one.  Enough talk about food f...

Angan2 lok owh....

I bumped into this beautiful blog while BW this afternoon and am hopelessly in love with everything there. Just look at her beautiful cottage and garden and the flowers, OMG! I can only drool and wanna share it here. For anybody that does not fancy anything classically English kind of thing, please proceed to the other blog....kekekekkee.. Enjoying the beautiful lilac while sipping my tea!!!...Kau ada!!!  Ahaks....Eeee, yalah namanya feeling verangan2 jak.. Aduh, feeling2 asa duduk sia sambil maca mills n boon kah, novel2 Alaf21 kah...wahh, very d verangan oiii mak oiii.. Verangan la having cuppa tea di sitok with friends..... Just look at the beautiful peonies!!! ***sigh**** Verangan la nak dptkan garden macam tok. Subhanallah!..Nang kacakkkkkkkkkk... All pictures credit to   Aiken House & Gardens.   Owner is from Canada.   Happy weekend everyone!!!...Waaaaaaaaa... bestnya mun dapat nak camtok owh......agik juak aih?...

Sambal tomato pedasssssssssss........

Ngerepak mode on. Today was super2 gago aka busy giler kata urghang oii...heheehe..dari pagi macam2 ajak hal, rasa semput tapi makin semput bila aircon sik sejuk...adehhhh, aircon tok memang selalu kenak kerepak aku cos bila ari panas diluar nun nak, aircon ya berlawan2 jak panasnya, mun ari ujan ribut diluar nun apatah lagik, sejok diluar nun, arumbulaknya bekuk abis dalam opis....adehhhh...mun dapat mbak comforter nak ku mbak ku aie.....grrrrrrrr Wellllllll, udah2 gik ngerepak owh, tensionnnnn mak koh..anyway this was my dinner last night, sebab mood aku nak makan yang pedas2 tahap gaban, maka jadilah sambal tomato tok. Pedasssssssssssss yang amat sampei mak aku sik dpt makan. Bahan2nya, simple jak, ada tomato, ada cabik, ada belacan, ada pusuk, limo kasturi & gula. Garam nang sik dingkah cos belacan ngan pusuk pun dah sedia masin.

Wordless?.......with pictures to tell...........

One of my dinner menus a few weeks ago..of course my favourite... Adeh, dah kembang aik lior aie.... A friend ordered kek Ati Parek last two weeks and apart from $$$ she gave me this Mee Jawa and pineapple...mudahan murah rezeki mu wahai kawanku sayang...tq, tq, tq.. My lunch with bffs at KIA last Friday, did not manage to take more pictures, tauk ajaklah with McD, just can't wait to dive in...yammmmmmmmm!!! My kind of food, my lunch last Saturday, home-made ikan masin from my beloved nenek in Mukah, stir-fried baby Kailan and of course the ever favourite sambal tumis asam.


Bersamaan dengan 2 Syaaban 1432 Hijrah, I lost a beautiful and loving aunt (mum's first cousin)Hajah Dahlia binti Haji Sulong last night. She was 67 years old and passed away peacefully amongst all her beloved family members. Unfortunately I was not there because I just came back from the office around 7:30 pm. My sister and mom was already at Ngah's place by 5:00pm and Mom called me around 5:30 yesterday to tell me that both of them were visiting Ngah. I thought that it just a normal visit just like the usual visits that we used to do either weekly or monthly. None of us expected the worst. Whatever it is, according to sis Mona, she passed away peacefully. Terasa nyesal juak sik singgah ngagaknya last Sunday, I was suppose to send my car for washing at her place but I told myself, perhaps this week..lagikpun whenever I send my car for washing I would make it a point to bake a cake or something as buah tangan to her, as she loves to eat cakes. Unfortunately that Sunday...


I love this song and just wanna share it here. Quite wordless entry huh?..enjoyz ok...


This particular entry was supposed to be uploaded yesterday but was experiencing major problem yesterday...urghhhhh!!! Alhamdulillah, after experiencing the hotttttttt weather the last few days, finally it rained the last two days. Seriuosly, the scorching heat bugs me a lot and I was soooooo uncomfortable. Anyway, let's just put that aside for now. I am feeling sooooooo dead lazy to update my blog, there are still some outstanding pictures in my handphone. Haih!!! bila lah nak rajin owhhh, ooo Kak Lehoddddddd, tulung berik petua camney nak rajin owh....LOL...(yah, as if la Kak Lehot yang maca blog aku tok...)kak ya tek nak,.... Orghang saghawak tengah kenak tempias Kak Lehodddddddd, nang meriah lah derio lamak ada olahan kerepak Kak Lehoddd....ok2, dah lah crita hal Kak Lehod, mun sik mok nengar kerepak Kak Lehoddd, boleh juak nengar (opss) baca jak kerepak Kak Pot Poret di sitok  .  Ok, enough of Kak Lehoddd.  Been BW to my some of my favourite...