Blame it on Mr. Tonsil

I was on sick leave due to tonsillitis last Tuesday and Wednesday. This time around the tonsil was worst and I was struggling to swallow solid food and drink. The doctor prescribed some guggling liquid but that seem to make it worst. Lastly mom suggested that I drank some tamarind juice and alhamdulillah it helped and I was coughing away some mucus after countless litres of the tamarind juice. Think this is the only time I gobbled up loads of tamarind juice...ahaks. Alhamdulillah I am getting better though I could still the twinge of pain when swallowing.


Specially to Mizz Coki, this is my workstation, you've seen my previous workstation so this is my current workstation.  How?...Would you prefer the glass table or fancy this typical L-shape table?...

That's all for now, still feeling a little bit giddy after taking my medication, I must confess this is the first time I am taking the antibiotics tablets religiously.  If not, after feeling a little better I would just stop taking it.  



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