Full support from our beloved VC, Prof K and his lovely wife, Pn Dyg Mariani Left, right, left, right....
Our contingent
Pentas utama
Kumpulan Koir
Kontinjen mewakili pelbagai kaum
(After) Group Photo
Clockwise, Pauline, Djen, me, Rosmie, Yen (tunduk) Liza (back view only)
Oh tedah! dah kepak berbaris, berpicnic gik...Noor, Misi & Sarol....
Our contingent
Pentas utama
Kumpulan Koir
Kontinjen mewakili pelbagai kaum
(After) Group Photo
Clockwise, Pauline, Djen, me, Rosmie, Yen (tunduk) Liza (back view only)
Oh tedah! dah kepak berbaris, berpicnic gik...Noor, Misi & Sarol....
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Yeyeyeyeyeye..I was involved with the merdeka celebration today at Stadium Negeri, Kuching. Was I thrilled?..Not actually though because I was rather tired after assisting my friend to teach Poco-Poco the day before at Telang Usan. Yeah! we had fun, everyone was excited. Enjoy the pictures ya.