Konvo - 1st day

Come to think of it, suasana konvo tidak terasa sgt bila aku pikirkan tentang macam2 yang berlaku kebelakangan ini. Biasanya sebelum majlis konvo, rasa excited semacam je, tiba harinya mcm tak best pulak. For the last 3 -4 tahun, semangat bertugas begitu excited sgt hinggakan aku dan geng2 PT yg lain akan keluar dari rumah selepas subuh, seawal 0530 pagi, bulan dan bintang masih kelihatan lagi di langit, kami dah on the way ke kampus hendak menjalankan tugas. This morning, aku sampai office dalam jam 0710 pagi, kalau sebelum ni, jam 0630 pagi dah sampai ke office. That bad huh! Rupanya, I'm not the only yang berperasaan begitu, the rest of the geng pun sama. Masing2 berkata, nothing much to look forward to convocation this year, business as usual kan?
I guess one of the reason why me and the others are not so excited this year because a few of our friends were not appointed again. We missed them so much and for the fact that there are really good in handling fussy parents and families. Come what may, they'll handle the whole situation with such professionalism and still smiling the whole day. Tension macam mana pun, by the end of the day, we just crack some jokes about it and forget what happened earlier on. Hey, we're a bunch of people who loves our job and am not afraid to say that we're good at it. Wah!!!....(perasannya...but then again, self-appreciating helps very much though...)
Pagi tadi adalah sidang pertama so graduates were from the Fakulti of Sains Gunaan dan Kreatif plus MSc graduates. Today's parents and families were quiet and were easy to handle, no fussy Tom and Jerry around. The morning went on smoothly though there were a lot of gossips behind the curtains. Malas nak citer kat sini...kang ada yg sentap lak.


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