What a day!!!!

I ended the month of July with a big bang, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig bang to my car. As I made my way to the office early yesterday morning, a motorcycle suddenly came out of the junction on my left and knocked my car. It happened so fast, I was driving nicely down the road, the next minute, the motorcyclist knocked my car and saw him flying over my car. I could only say, "Aduhhhhhhhhhhhhh"....I stopped my car at the roadside immediately. Luckily both of us were not hurt, I don't know about his bike but my car was in pretty bad shape, the lamp on the right side of the car was broken, the front bumper was badly dented on the right side that it pressed into the front right tyre. After making the n ecessary police report etc, my car was towed away by the workshop. The sight of my dented car hurt me so much that I couldn't look at it. My head was throbbing the whole day. Urghhh...
I was still shaky from the morning's incident and couldn't really concentrate the whole day.
Talking about making the police report yesterday, I was rather impatient due to the service, there was hardly a crowd but I just don't know why it took them so long to attend to the public. Madi ngenang bah...mun ndak bisin juak kata orang. However, I was lightened up by a good news though, 2 parties had submitted their LOI on the property that my team had introduced earlier on. Mudahan jak dpt..ya ajaklah. Insyallah.


Bob said…
I was indeed very shocked to recieve a phone call from someone who normally would SMS me time after time. I pity her of which i used to inform her of good defensive driving.Upon recieving her phone call, little did I ever thought that she involved in an accident but thanks God that she was not injured but shaky or a bit traumatised
Nur68 said…
malang tidak berbau kan...careful or not, it was fated to happen though ...

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